September 09, 2010
75 Reasons to Live: Chip Lord on Terry Fox
Chip Lord is a media artist working with video and digital photography, and was a founding member of the art and architecture collective Ant Farm. He’s talking about Terry Fox‘s 1976 sculpture, A Metaphor. And for more Terry Fox, see Sarah Roberts’s talk on Pendulum Spit Bite, just below. Thank you, Chip!
Comments (2)
Chip Lord’s “Movie Map” and “Awakening from the Twentieth Century” tomorrow (Saturday) at 3 pm, Four Star Theater, part of SFMOMA’s “Infinite City: Cinema City” day-long SF film program.
This video is a wonderful commentary on a remarkable work by Terry Fox, an artist that I am not terribly familiar with but the talk inspires me to do further research. I don’t often see any commentary about art that I find interesting, despite or perhaps because of being an artist, and yet this had a positive affect on me. I am quite pleasantly surprised. I saw it on Timothy Buckwalter’s blog. Thank you for making it available to people.