Bonanza (Lana Williams, Lindsay Tully, Conrad Guevara)
Bonanza is the collaborative practice of Conrad Guevara, Lindsay Tully, and Lana Williams. Based in Oakland, California, Bonanza’s diverse projects include installation, film, and fashion. The artists regularly employ abstraction, performance, and humor, often using their projects as a platform for others. Bonanza’s work has been exhibited at Gallery 16, Interface, Southern Exposure and The di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art in the Bay area. Their work has been written about by VICE, SFAQ, Art Practical, KQED, and the East Bay Express. They were the 2018 Artists in Residence at the San Francisco Recology Center. They recently finished their forth film, a gig comedy that satirizes the so-called sharing economy and the excessive demands it makes on its workers. In 2019, they had an early retrospective at the Buffalo Institute of Contemporary Art.