ANT FARM Media Van v.08 (Time Capsule)
Dear reader,
This is Tammy. Sorry it’s been so long since my last post. You might think I’ve been laying low — just kicking back on autopilot on some tropical island with the man or woman that I love. But no way! I’ve been sitting right here in this cubicle, in this chair, in the exact same position, for weeks now. So when Suzanne asked me if I would go on assignment in the galleries to cover the public’s interpretation of the many participatory pieces in the enigmatically titled exhibition, The Art of Participation: 1950 to Now, well, I was thrilled. Lucky for me, Megan Brian offered to help. (She’s the kind of person people instantly open up to.)
Our mission was simple: “How does this thing work?” The first object under our studious lens was Ant Farm‘s Media Van v.08 (Time Capsule), a gutted van with hookah-styled plug-in station for uploading digital files from your own phone, camera or iPod:
The electronic time capsule will be soon be sealed, to be opened again (‘accessed’) only in the year 2030: CLOSING CEREMONY FOR THE ANT FARM MEDIA VAN V.08 (TIME CAPSULE): January 29, 2009 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.: Chip Lord, Curtis Schreier, and Bruce Tomb in person. FREE! (with museum admission…)
Comments (2)
Thanks all those who came by the museum for the show.
The Media Van has blown the country and is now in France as part of the
Loire River Estuary show for the summer, June to August 2009.
It is on an island between the cities of
Nantes and Saint-Lazaire. Stop by if you can.
A multimedia time capsule at SFMOMA! I LOVE that place! : )