Welcome! Fabulous fall season in store
It’s been a curious summer around the SFMOMA offices this year: with the museum closed for expansion daily trips into the galleries are a (temporary) thing of the past, and from the bank of windows in our Minna street offices we’ve watched the deconstruction of the back end of the Botta building. It’s been jaw-dropping more days than not. Here’s the view this morning:
It’s been a curious summer around the SFMOMA offices this year: with the museum closed for expansion, daily trips into the galleries are a (temporary) thing of the past, and from the bank of windows in our Minna Street offices we’ve watched the deconstruction of the back end of the Botta building. It’s been jaw-dropping more days than not. Here’s the view this morning:
The jackhammering has certainly kept the summer — lively? — and to compete with all the energy across the street, Kara Smith and I have been happily constructing a sensational fall for you on Open Space:
Columnist alum Brandon Brown joins us again this season, this time as guest editor, and is bringing ten writers with him in a series “on the contemporary.” Artists with Bay Area ties take over our popular Collection Rotation series (starting today, with Pablo Guardiola), and as always, we have commissioned writings from a truly superb suite of guest writers — Robert Glück, Joanne Kyger, Pamela Lu, Daniel Schifrin, Diane Ward, Allison Arieff, Richard Walker, Steve Seid, and many more.
Our biggest change-up for the season? We’re hosting our first-ever Open Space “artists-in-residence”: Tim Sullivan, together with Joshua Pieper, will be tearing it up in October, and Jibz Cameron (a.k.a. Dynasty Handbag) will be in situ in November. Our super spring and summer columnists will continue posting through the end of the year — Anne Lesley Selcer on art and language; D-L Alvarez will bring us several more installments of his Timeline sequence; and on the SFMOMA beat, Tess Thackara will be covering Project Los Altos.
And also new: poetry, regularly! Poet and playwright (also an OS alum) Kevin Killian was invited by SFMOMA curator of public programs Frank Smigiel to edit a small chapbook of poems on the occasion of Mark di Suvero‘s eightieth birthday, and we’ll be presenting parts of the book on Open Space through December. Look for new writing from Bill Berkson, Frances Richard, C.S. Giscombe, C.D. Wright, Juliana Spahr, and, yes, more!
Stay tuned this week for the launch of our series investigating the spiritual, to complement Beyond Belief: 100 Years of the Spiritual in Modern Art, and look for more interviews with our staff, some special (throwback) surprises, and, yes, even more, all through to 2014. Keep in touch, and tell us how you like it.
Happy fall to you all —