Flight 401 was the plane I mentioned that went down in the Florida Everglades in 1972.
There were human survivors of that crash, but also parts of the plane itself were salvaged and reused.
In 1974, Airport 1975 was released (pictured below). This was the first sequel to the successful 1970 film Airport. It starred Karen Black as a stewardess who is forced to pilot a Boeing 747 after the flight crew are all either killed or injured severely in a head-on crash with a twin-engine piston aircraft.
Encouraged by the success of the Airport films, there will be two made-for-television films created about Flight 401. Crash will star William Shatner and will focus on the crash and the investigation that followed. The other, shown here in its entirety, focuses on the sightings of the ghost of the pilot on subsequent Eastern Airlines flights. This later film, The Ghost of Flight 401, is directed by Steven Hilliard Stern and stars Ernest Borgnine, Gary Lockwood, Tina Chen, and Kim Basinger.
Flight 401 was the plane I mentioned that went down in the Florida Everglades in 1972. There were human survivors of that crash, but also parts of the plane itself were salvaged and reused.
In 1974, Airport 1975 was released. This was the first sequel to the successful 1970 film Airport. It starred Karen Black as a stewardess who is forced to pilot a Boeing 747 after the flight crew are all either killed or injured severely in a head-on crash with a twin-engine piston aircraft.
Encouraged by the success of the Airport films, there will be two made-for-television films created about Flight 401. Crash will star William Shatner and will focus on the crash and the investigation that followed. The other, shown here in its entirety, focuses on the sightings of the ghost of the pilot on subsequent Eastern Airlines flights. This later film, The Ghost of Flight 401, is directed by Steven Hilliard Stern and stars Ernest Borgnine, Gary Lockwood, Tina Chen, and Kim Basinger.
Both films about Flight 401 will first air in 1978.
In 1976, Karen Black plays a kidnapper in Family Plot. She can’t know it yet, but it will be Alfred Hitchcock’s last film.
Black also acts (in this year) alongside screen legend Bette Davis in Burnt Offerings, a film about a house that rejuvenates itself by means of its occupants. This is the first film to be shot at the historic Dunsmuir House in Oakland. The space will later be mostly rented out for wedding parties, with no mention of the seventies horror film on their promotional website.