Show Me the Money: Context - Artists
Show Me the Money is an earnest attempt to get people to talk about money in the visual arts.

Man Bartlett, @OccupyMan, screenshot on Sept 24th, 2012, 2012, image used with permission from the artist
Interviews with Creatives about money:
Creative Accounting by Believer Magazine
Creative Accounting, an ongoing series that will show where the money goes for all of the major creative industries.
How did you get that F*&%ing Awesome Job?
Readymade Magazine’s series of interviews with people in “Awesome Jobs” that focuses on career paths, salary ranges in the interviewees 20’s, and advice for others
“You should be totally unashamed about the need to make money and the requirement for it. Given my theater and advertising background, I have a fundamental objection to that school of thought that goes, ‘If you choose to pursue certain passions then you must expect to be poor.’ If you are creative, you deserve to make money.” – Cindy Gallop
Brendan Carroll interviewing artists about their financial state on Art 21
For his guest blog stint, Brendan Carroll, an artist, writer and independent curator based in New York, will present a guest blog series he’s calling “Money Matters.” Each post will look at how money and income streams influence the type of work and aesthetic decisions artists (as well as curators) make inside and outside the studio.
Personal Economies in Art Work published by Temporary Services, distributed by all
Personal Economies is a series of (mostly) anonymous artist personal narratives that talk about individual financial experiences in the art world.
How Artists Make Money
“‘Starving artist’ may be a cliche — but if most artists aren’t literally starving, it’s a fact that few make a real living with the work they love. In this series, NPR looks at how creative people keep body and soul together.”

W.A.G.E., Did you receive any form of payment, compensation or reimbursement for your participation in the exhibition, including the coverage of any expenses? survey result slide, 2012, image used with permission from W.A.G.E.
Artist Resources:
the artist’s reserved rights transfer and sale agreement
This contract has been created by bob projansky and seth siegelaub in 1971. It was explicitly designed to become a standard agreement-form to be used and be reproduced freely.
Art Website Sales Contract
Developed by Rafael Rozendaal in 2011 for the purchase of art websites. “The document is both the certificate of authenticity and a legally binding document between the artist and the art collector. Selling websites as art pieces is still very new, and I hope this document can help any artist who want to sell their art this way.”
Mary Beth Edelson’s “Artist Contract”
Drafted collectively by a group of international artists and art workers for the benefit of artists, it can be tailored to suit your needs. Download it here
California Resale Royalty Act, enacted in 1976
Though this law has recently been ruled unconstitutional by the Federal District Court (May 2012), it is being appealed to the Ninth Circut Court. The California Resale Royalty Act provides that, with a few exceptions, the seller must pay the artist (or a deceased artist’s estate or heirs) five percent of that resale price. The California Arts Council accepts payments for un-located artists. They are currently looking to pay these artists.
The Equity for Visual Artists Act of 2011
The EVAA, introducecd in both houses of Congress in December 2011 (S 2000 / HR 3866) and sponsored by Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI), provides for a nationwide artist resale royalty on somewhat similar terms as the CRRA. It has been “Referred to Comittee” in both houses.
Comments (1)
This may be of interest to some visual artists:
Income = less than $19,000 after almost 2 decades experience. Tragic.
Thank you staff for helping some artists find venues that may have an interest in exhibiting their art. Good luck guys ‘n gals.