August 27, 2010
Visitor Flickr Photo of the Week
Chris Gruhl aka Shadowgolem says about the mono-colored painting, “A big solid gray canvas? Really?…Art needs to have more than just intention, it needs execution” and instead of just thinking it, he created his own work of art using Felix Gonzalez-Torres’s poster available in the 2nd floor galleries. He says, “this composition was our attempt to add a bit to it. Still very abstract but not quite so, well, boring.”
Thanks Chris!
We choose the Flickr pictures of the week from anything tagged “SFMOMA”. You tag too!
Comments (1)
Fiz um exame beta-HCG quando tinha mais ou 5 semanas da ultima menr§suaÃtão e o valor foi 1.866,00, quando completei 11 semanas de gravidez tive uma aborto. Gostaria de saber se esse valor está baixo pelo tempo de gravidez ????