RE:Response (PARTone)
Jason Metcalf “Gutter Corner Gold” 2010 in response to
Richard Serra “Gutter Corner Splash: Night Shift” 1969/1995
SFMOMA blog assignment ONE
This is Part one for Part two click HERE
An invitation was sent to a group of artists. I provided a curated list of works from SFMOMA’s permanent collection and asked each artist to make a work in response. This assignment continues my exploration as to how others interact with the museum, particularly how artists relate to works in the permanent collection.
Julie Cloutier “Dislodging: Four Objects” 2010 in response to
Gordon Matta-Clark “Splitting: Four Corners” 1977
Continue from here and view images of responses. Some works require an external link. Please click on either the artist name or the title of the piece to be directed to the response. After each response, I’ve also included a direct link back to the piece in the SFMOMA permanent collection.
For reference the following artists within the permanent collection were included in this assignment, not all were addressed, and some were chosen by multiple artists.
Tauba Auerbach, Josef Albers, John Baldessari, Louise Bourgeois, Matthew Barney, Vito Acconci, Larry Clark, Bruce Conner, Joseph Cornell, Richard Deacon, Marcel Duchamp, Willem De Kooning, Olafur Eliasson, Kota Ezawa, Luciano Fabro, Dan Flavin, Peter Fischli and David Weiss, Bill Fontana, General Idea, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Douglas Gordon, Dan Graham, Hans Hoffman, David Ireland, Donald Judd, Anish Kapoor, Ellsworth Kelly, Yves Klein, Jeff Koons, Sol LeWitt, Gordon Matta-Clark, Bruce Nauman, Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Ryman, Richard Serra, and Rirkrit Tiravanija.
Thomas Pringle “Michael Jackson and Bubbles” 2010 in response to
Jeff Koons “Michael Jackson and Bubbles” 1988
Thomas writes “Looks like Lucy from I Love Lucy. Does not look like Michael Jackson, I can tell you that! He must be in a play or part of a movie. I never knew he had a monkey. I think he was murdered, his doctor slipped him a micky and he drank it an died, under the cover of sleeping pills”
Marcel Duchamp “Fountain” 1917/1964
*click title to view URL
Anne Colvin responded to the list with a poem in her notebook:
The Diagonal of May 23rd, 1963*
Click link to view URL
Chris Coy “Home Entertainment II”* 2010 in response to many on my LIST
Click link to view larger
Jarrett Earnest “Reading Restraint” 2010 in response to
Matthew Barney “Drawing Restraint” 2005
Grant Willing “Untitled” 2010 in response to
Donald Judd “Untitled” 1973
Chris Collins “24 Hour Psycho Re-Created as iPhoto Slideshow (2010) [Excerpt]” in response to
Douglas Gordon “Pretty much every film and video work from about 1992 until now. To be seen on monitors, some with headphones, others run silently and all simultaneously.” 1992-2012
Chris Collins “Infinite Judd” 2010 in response to
Donald Judd “Untitled” 1973
Rachel Reese “Icelandic Landscapes in Forty Two Parts” 2010 in response to
Olafur Eliason “The Aerial River Series” 2000
Part TWO click HERE
Comments (5)
this is a great idea! i love these responses.
Hey Brion – Great job with this. I can’t wait to see what’s next. By the way, I loved Jarrett Earnest’s video! Thanks for introducing me to an artist I didn’t know.
looking forward to part two!
oops, meant to say extended!
Love the way you have extend your role as columnist Brion.