Thank you. Gracias. Grazie Mille. Infinite, etc.
Left: Kevin Killian, Adrienne Skye Roberts, Eric Heiman. Right: Anu Vikram. MIA: Julian Myers |
You can see they weren’t a thousand percent keen on having me take their picture when we all got together the first time to meet that pretty afternoon last April, but hopefully I will be forgiven for posting these now. I want to say a million times THANK YOU, & offer STANDING OVATION to our fantastic first group of columnist-bloggers, whose official term now comes to a close: KEVIN KILLIAN! JULIAN MYERS! ADRIENNE SKYE ROBERTS! ERIC HEIMAN! ANURADHA VIKRAM!
We couldn’t have been sure—I mean we, my colleagues and I @ SFMOMA—what would happen if we brought in outside writers, asked them to write about the Bay Area, and then more or less handed over the keys to the machinery. Museums just aren’t normally in the business of such figure-it-out-on-the-fly, and while I had a good idea of a brief for the columnists when we started, none of us—not the writers, not the museum—knew exactly what would fly & what might sink. The result—various, vigorous, intelligent, and dynamic conversation, including the many contributions of an ever-growing readership (thank you)—has been better than I could have imagined or hoped. I am very grateful to all the writers not only for their fierce, often funny, and always smart & deeply engaged writing, but also their grace & good humor while we hammered out some kinks technological and philosophical. I’d also like to thank my colleagues at the museum for like grace under pressure and for supporting the project so thoroughly. (Probably more bumps in the road ahead. Just so you know.)
And I hope this isn’t the last we hear from these writers, either, and expect that it isn’t: the guest-columnists program is by rotation, and we’ll bring in a new group every few months, but alumni are encouraged to continue writing if and as or when they wish, on into the future, as they see fit.
At any rate, onward! I’ll introduce you to the new columnists next week.