Happy Birthday Open Space

Wayne Thiebaud, Chocolate Cake, from the portfolio Seven Still Lifes and a Rabbit, lithograph on Arches paper, 1971. Collection SFMOMA.
Shucks. It’s been a year. First, do we think blogs get counted in something like dog years? Next, keep your eye on the blog, as we’ve got something fabulous launching here in coming days that’s going to make the next twelve months very interesting indeed. Last, I had the blog’s chart done online (thanks Astro.com) for the happy occasion. Aries! Aries rising! Venus in Aries! OMG! Thanks for a great first year. xo, SS
This report is a short edition of the Youth Horoscope. In the short edition, only a few, but nevertheless important aspects of your natal chart are considered.
The report was generated for OPEN SPACE with the following birth data: female, born on 16 April 2008 at 6:00 am in San Francisco, California.
Your sun sign is Aries. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant, the rising sign, is also in Aries, and your Moon is in Virgo.
Aries Rising
You are a free spirit who likes to do things your own way and to be the first whenever possible. You always try to act energetic, active and self-assertive.
You like to compete with others. Cooperating is sometimes a problem because you are so independent.
Others will like you for the positive energy that you radiate. At the same time your lighthearted attitude about your feelings may make it hard to get sympathy when you really need it.
You tend to be rash and impulsive, acting first and thinking later. Learn to be a little more thoughtful about your actions.
You will fight for what you believe in, so it is important to think carefully about your beliefs, so that your energies will go to a good cause.
Sun in Aries
You are very energetic and spirited. You tend to be impatient if events don’t move as quickly as you would like. This may cause you to become totally wrapped up in yourself, simply because you aren’t relating to others enough. You have a mind of your own, and you do not care if anyone else agrees with you.
You like to be the first to do everything, and often you take risks that others consider unwise. Just be careful to avoid real trouble, and try to listen to what others have to say; in fact they may be trying to help you.
You are rather quick to anger, but you do not hold grudges. However, while you are angry you act rashly and may say things that you will regret later.
In talking with other people, you prefer to be simple and direct. Just be careful not to be so blunt that you hurt people’s feelings.
Sun in the First House
You have a strong personality that immediately makes an impression on other people. You are very strong willed and energetic. The problem with this is that you may not let the people around you be themselves. Nevertheless, they have the right to assert themselves, and you should give them the chance.
Your high level of self-confidence can be very useful, as long as you know your limitations.
You are physically strong and should enjoy good health. If you can learn to accept your limitations and control your energy properly, you will be able to do a great deal.
Moon in Virgo
You are a rather serious but usually cheerful person. When you realize that you have to do something, you are willing to go out and do it. You like to make things, which you may become quite good at, because you are a careful worker.
You are neat and like order around you at all times. It bothers you to have anything out of place. You are concerned with your health, and you follow the best health habits you know.
When you are with others, you keep to yourself, for you are somewhat shy. You should learn to recognize your own merits and not be so self-critical.
You like to be useful and to help other people, because it makes you feel more worthwhile. But make sure that you really want to do those favors, because if you do them unwillingly, people won’t get much out of them.
Moon in the Sixth House
There is a strong connection between your moods and your physical health. If you feel unhappy or depressed for any length of time, you are likely to become sick as a result. You don’t take very good care of yourself when you are depressed, and that leaves you open to illness
It may be hard for you to work in a planned and disciplined way. But you enjoy work that keeps your own world neat and orderly.
Usually you prefer to work for others, because you would rather be directed by a stronger will than your own.
When you are an adult you are likely to be interested in a career in some field involving home services or products, health care, food services or agriculture.
Venus in Aries
You are very affectionate toward others, but you hate to be tied down by anyone. Not shy or reserved, you express your loving feelings freely, and you need to be free to love whomever you choose. You are unwilling to give in to your partner, because you always want things your own way. This could be a problem in your friendships. However, now is the time when you can learn how to give and how to make compromises with friends, relatives and other people.
People usually like you because you are yourself, not because you are charming. You know what you want, and you are willing to go after it.
Venus in the First House
This is a very favorable position because it enables you to make a good impression on others and to be liked. You concentrate a great deal on your appearance, because you hate to look sloppy. You may develop some artistic talent, which will be furthered by your sense of form and design.
You work very hard to get along with others, and you usually try to win arguments with diplomacy and tact rather than force. You must learn to be self-assertive when necessary and to stand up for your rights, forcefully if need be. You can give the world much beauty, and you will present it most effectively if you learn to combine charm with strength.
Venus Conjunct Ascendant
You are probably a very appealing person, and you will always have the ability to charm people, which can be very useful, but you will have to learn how to use it well.
First of all, you should not turn on the charm when you don’t feel positive about someone. People will quickly recognize when you are sincere and when you are only trying to use them.
You may also tend to use your charm to get ahead, when you should depend on real ability. Develop your talents instead of smiling your way through life.
You want harmony around you at all times, which is very useful and positive, but you will have to learn not to compromise on issues that are very important to you.
When you are an adult you will be very good at working with people and making them feel good.
Mars in Cancer
What you do depends on your moods to an unusual degree. When you are feeling positive and cheerful, you act confidently and assertively. But when you are depressed, you are more retiring and much more irritable.
Try not to hold your anger in so much. It is much better to express it than to hold it back so that it gradually poisons your whole mood.
Sometimes this position of Mars indicates difficulties and disagreements with your family. However, it is more likely that anything concerning your family, your family background and heritage inspires in you feelings of great loyalty.
Mars in the Fourth House
You may have difficulty getting along with one of your parents. It is very important that you discuss openly any problems that you have with each other, so that you can arrive at a real compromise. Even if you find it difficult to get along with them, they are very important to you, and you very much need their approval.
This placement of Mars means that you feel a strong desire to be the person in charge in your home, which is difficult because of your age. But you should learn to get along with the people you live with, because that could be a problem in your adult home as well. One way to ease this situation is to be by yourself as much as possible.