Woman Demon Human: in Mandarin
Just a quick reminder that tonight’s screening of Huang Shuqin’s Woman Demon Human will be on beautiful 35mm sans subtitles! Which seems like a lot of fun, and kind of a don’t-miss opportunity, whether you understand the language or you don’t. Considered China’s “only genuine feminist film”, Woman Demon Human stages an unorthodox biopic of famed Beijing Opera star Pei Yanling, whose career was noted for her portrayal of male roles, especially the male underworld god, Zhong Kui.
For a quick gloss on both the narrative and the why of a screening sans subtitles, see Gina Basso’s post of last week.
Rediscovering the Fourth Generation: Woman Demon Human
Huang Shuqin, 1987, 106 min.
35mm, screened in Mandarin
7:00 p.m., Phyllis Wattis Theater
$5 general; free for SFMOMA members or with museum admission
(requires a free ticket, which can be picked up in the Haas Atrium).