Five Questions: The Treatbot Karaoke Ice Cream Truck
The Treatbot Ice Cream Karaoke Truck trades in—yup!—ice cream and karaoke. Based in the San Jose area, they’ll serve you up a scoop of Eastside Horchata or Mango Ice and throw in the opportunity to belt out your tune of choice to whoever’s listening. Today, Thursday, May 30, and tomorrow, Friday, May 31, they’re parked outside SFMOMA on Third Street as part of the museumwide Countdown Celebration. I chatted with the team behind the truck: founder and owner Ryan Sebastian and driver Wesley Moots.
If you could have any artwork or object in the world, what would it be?
Ryan Sebastian: Well, this couldn’t fit in my home, but the remaining skeleton structure of Hangar One in Mountain View is my favorite building. It’s been deconstructed because of lead issues, but I think it’s a very powerful statement. Or if someone had built a real version of the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey, that would be amazing to have.
Wesley Moots: I’m a really big Rembrandt fan, so something by him.
What’s in your refrigerator right now?
RS: We have some eggs from the chickens and ducks in our backyard; we have a miniature farm out there. My wife’s a chef so there’s always stuff in the fridge I’ve never even heard of.
WM: Fresh fruits and vegetables, mustard, hot sauce, more hot sauce, and a lot of tea.
What is your favorite tool?
RS: You know, I really love my iPhone. Being able to run a business on the go with a tool like that is enormously helpful.
WM: I’m a big fan of the adjustable wrench, just because of how many different uses you can get out of it, and if you get really angry, it works as a hammer!
What is your go-to karaoke song?
RS: If I’m lacking in confidence then I would say Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton because it’s easy, but I really like Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus. That’s a great one.
WM: Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash.
What should I ask you?
RS: A lot of people ask me if I was on some sort of substance when we thought up the Karaoke Ice Cream Truck and the answer is, actually, no. It was the result of a lot of long walks and talks with my wife, and I think it’s really the natural outcome of our interests.
WM: Where to get something good to eat in San Jose. Billy Berk’s makes a fantastic steak.