From Black Paintings to Social Practice
Two public KAPSULS provide helpful context for upcoming exhibitions. They were also developed by two of the most active next-generation independent curators in the Bay Area: Christina Linden and David Kasprzak.
Will Brown‘s trio of Jordan Stein, Lindsey White, and David Kasprzak will open an exhibition on Saturday, March 17th, entitled A square (neutral, shapeless) canvas, five feet wide, five feet high, as high as a man, as wide as a man’s outstretched arms (not large, not small, sizeless), trisected
(no composition), one horizontal form negating one vertical form (formless, no top, no bottom, directionless), three (more or less) dark (lightless) no-contrasting (colorless) colors, brushwork brushed out to remove brushwork, a matte, flat, free-hand, painted surface (glossless, textureless, non-linear, no hard-edge, no soft edge) which does not reflect its surroundings — a pure, abstract, non-objective, timeless, spaceless, changeless, relationless, disinterested painting — an object that is self-conscious (no unconsciousness) ideal, transcendent, aware of no thing but art (absolutely no anti-art).
Christina Linden, under the auspices of the Kadist Art Foundation, will present Living as Form (the Nomadic Version), opening Saturday, March 10th. “Bringing together a wide range of international projects made between 1991 and 2011 and selected in collaboration with twenty-five curators from around the world, Living as Form (The Nomadic Version) also takes up new projects as it travels. The gallery at 3285 20th Street is the first venue to host the exhibition, which is presented here as a series of screenings, talks, and participatory events that will add to the archive as it continues on to future venues.”
Visit for more.