Visitor Flickr Photo of the Week
Here at the Open Space, we are huge fans of a site called Jumping in Art Museums. So when we saw Malia Campbell‘s set of images in front of Ellsworth Kelly’s Stele I on the SFMOMA Rooftop Garden, we were super excited.
Malia says:
The subject in the photo is my boyfriend, Scott Hargis. He lives in Oakland and I live in Seattle. Whenever I go down to visit him we always go to SFMOMA and, after our 2nd or 3rd trip, we realized it was just cheaper to get a membership. We were especially excited for the Avedon exhibit (we’re both professional photographers) and ended up going three or four times just to see his work.
This photo was taken after our first viewing of the Avedon exhibit. I was inspired by Avedon’s self portrait of he and Twiggy dancing. The movement was so dynamic and fun—by the time we made our way up to the rooftop garden I knew I wanted to capture something of the same essence so I made Scott stand in front of the sculpture and jump for me. It took about five takes and these three were my favorites.
These images were captured on my iPhone, proving that fun and exciting images are captured by a photographer, not a camera.
Malia also has some handy photography tips on her blog.
We choose the Flickr pictures of the week from anything tagged “SFMOMA”. You tag too!